Kid-Friendly Pool Designs: How Do You Make a Pool Kid-Friendly?
There are a whopping 10.4 million residential swimming pools in the U.S and many with kid-friendly pool designs. You want to add another backyard oasis to that tally — and you don’t want just any pool on your property, either.
Instead, you need a pool that’s fun for adult swimmers but safe for children, too. How do you make a pool kid-friendly? Here are our three best tips.
1. Build Barriers
No matter what kid-friendly pool designs you choose, it’s vital that you have a barrier between children and the pool so that they can’t get in while you’re not watching. A fence is one of the best ways to prevent backyard pool accidents, including drowning.
So, be sure that your kid-friendly backyard pool design includes an encompassing fence. It doesn’t have to be an eyesore, either — a beautiful, lockable fence will give you the peace of mind you need without taking away from your new pool.
Inside of the pool, you should have some visible barriers, too. If your pool has a deep end, a line of buoys can designate where little ones can safely swim — and where they shouldn’t paddle without a grown-up in tow.
2. Make the Shallow End Fun
If you want to keep kids safe in your pool, be sure there’s a shallow end where they can splash around with ease. The allure of the deep end won’t be as strong if the shallow end has plenty of kid-friendly entertainment.
So, ask your contractor if you can have a waterfall installed, whether you’re building a new pool or renovating an old one. Having water splashing overhead will entertain kids for hours.
You might also want to have a waterslide or poolside basketball hoop installed in the area where kids can play. There are even little devices called deck jets, little water guns positioned on the side of your pool. These provide endless entertainment and keep kids in the areas where they’ll be safest.
3. Provide Plenty of Spots For Grown-Ups to Hang Out
Finally, make sure you have a beautiful pool deck where grown-ups won’t mind hanging out. Your kids won’t be in the pool unattended, after all — and you’ll want somewhere nice to sit and supervise while they play in the water.
Your pool designer can give you plenty of ideas of how to make a pool deck that’s just as luxurious as the pool — everything from a shaded grotto to cozy cabana chairs. Having these seating areas is a safety boon for kids as well since they will need to get out of the water, relax and recharge every so often, too.
How Do You Make a Pool Kid-Friendly? Start Here.
These three tips are just a handful of ways to answer the question, how do you make a pool kid-friendly? If you have more questions, though, you should consider asking pool pros for advice.
We’re here to help you design the pool of your dreams or transform the one you already have into the pool you envision. Click here to contact BPS, The Backyard Pool Specialists and get started on your incredible custom backyard project.