Germs in Pools Water Than Can Cause Bacterial Infection

Germs in Pools Water Than Can Cause Bacterial Infection

Guide To Causes of Bacterial Infection From Swimming Pool Water

There are about 10.4 million homes in the US that have swimming pools.

With this many pools around, there are bound to be some people who don’t care for theirs properly. It’s important to remember that just because a pool looks clean doesn’t mean it is. Unclean pools can present a serious health risk to anyone using them.

If you want to know the risks of catching a bacterial infection from swimming pool water, keep reading.

Can Pool Water Cause a Bacterial Infection?

Water is crucial to all life, and as such, it’s often the perfect breeding ground for bacteria – this is true in both man-made and natural environments. Germs in swimming pools can cause a range of bacterial infections, so it’s essential to properly maintain your pool to ensure it’s safe to swim in.

People can quickly get ill from swallowing unclean water, but some bacteria can cause harm simply by coming into contact with them. You can also get an illness from breathing in the mist that contains germs – this is more common in hot tubs as they generate a lot of steam.

What Infections Can You Get From a Swimming Pool?

In most cases, water is contaminated by someone who is already ill when they enter a swimming pool. Anyone else who then swims in the same water may get infected. Pools can also be contaminated by germs that naturally live and grow in water.

Some of the most common illnesses that people get from swimming pools are:

  • Skin infections
  • Diarrhea
  • Swimmer’s ear
  • Respiratory infections

Diarrhea is the most common illness associated with pool bacteria. This often occurs when people come into contact with norovirus, E. coli, or Cryptosporidium (Crypto). When someone with a diarrheal illness enters a pool, they can thoroughly contaminate it – then anyone else can become infected by swallowing even a small amount.

Avoiding a Bacterial Infection From Swimming Pool Water

To maintain cleanliness and swimming pool safety, you need to ensure your pool’s chlorine level and pH are correct. An ideal chlorine level for a pool is 1ppm and a hot tub should be around 3ppm. This will help kill off various types of germs.

Chlorine will only make a difference if your pool’s pH is at a suitable level – anything above 7 and the chlorine will be far less efficient. A pH below seven can cause corrosion in your pipes. An ideal level is between 7.2 and 7.8.

Bear in mind that other factors can make chlorine less effective too. Contaminants like urine, sweat, and dirt are broken down by chlorine, reducing the overall chlorine level of your pool. You should regularly check both the pH and the chlorine level and make adjustments as needed.

Keeping Your Pool Clean

The best way to prevent a bacterial infection from swimming pool water is to keep your pool clean. Regular pH and chlorine levels check will help you keep things balanced.

Backyard Pool Specialists can help with a range of pool services, including testing and cleaning. If you have any questions about how we can help you, click here to contact us today.