Dive In! Your Guide to an Eco-Friendly Pool

Dive In! Your Guide to an Eco-Friendly Pool

Dive In! Your Guide on How to Build an Eco-Friendly Swimming Pool

Have you always wanted to build a backyard pool but worry about your decision’s impact on the planet? If so, you’re hardly alone. Has the term eco-friendly pool come to mind?

Today, going green is more important than ever before to homeowners. It adds value to your house, can help you save on taxes, and preserves the planet for future generations!

And, while it is true that traditional pools are far from eco-friendly, they aren’t your only option!

These days, there are endless options for making your backyard oasis more sustainable, from environmentally friendly pool chemicals to solar-powered pool pumps, and more.

Read on and learn how to build an eco-friendly swimming pool that you can enjoy absolutely guilt free!

How to Build an Eco-Friendly Swimming Pool

If you’re serious about reducing your impact, you should consider remodeling your pool rather than building a new one. This can help keep plastic and concrete debris out of landfills and reduce the need to purchase newly created products.

Remodeling will also allow you to space out your investment, upgrading one system at a time until you’ve adopted all these awesome eco-friendly pool ideas.

Solar Everything

Can a pool be eco-friendly? Yes! Especially if you help reduce your electric impact.

Pools actually use quite a bit of power, especially when it comes to heaters and pumps. Swapping out this essential equipment for solar alternatives can help you use far less. 

Best of all, this won’t just help you clean up your act when it comes to caring for our planet. It could also save you hundreds of dollars per year on electric bills! 

Robots and Timers

Just like the rest of your home’s systems, putting your pool’s pump on a timer will help it run when you need it – and stop running when you don’t. So, you’ll never forget it in the ‘on’ position, burning needless electricity. 

Other gadgets like robotic pool cleaners can reduce lengthy and wasteful sessions that suck up more energy than pool debris. They’ll also help you reduce the need for eco-friendly pool chemicals.

Environmentally Friendly Pool Chemicals

While backyard pools have traditionally used chlorine to stay sanitary, there are plenty of safe pool chemicals out there to choose from. Ozonator systems, natural mineral sanitizers, and safer compounds like biguanide or PHMB, are all good options depending on your pool setup.

Many of these systems require a larger initial investment. But, don’t get sticker shock! They’ll cost less over time, as you won’t be running out to buy expensive chemicals every month. 

Your Eco-Friendly Backyard Oasis 

With this article as your guide to building an eco-friendly pool, you’re ready to go green with an eco-friendly backyard pool! 

Keep in mind that you don’t have to make all these changes at once. Instead, you can add one element at a time, slowly swapping out old and unsustainable pool systems and accessories for updated, environmentally conscious ones.

Do you have more questions on how to build an eco-friendly swimming pool?

If so, it’s time to get in touch with the experts. Contact BPS Pools or call (281) 890-3040 today. We offer free, no-obligation quotes and have decades of experience working with homeowners just like you!